Learn More About Choosing A Puppy

This is an exciting time for anyone getting a new puppy. All of my puppies are born indoors in a climate-controlled room. This room is disinfected to ensure a clean environment for the mother and our new babies. A puppy’s immune system is not strong enough to handle everyday germs - we want to keep puppies and mothers germ-free.
I understand that each family is looking for something special and different in a puppy. I plan my litters in advance by talking to each family with their goals in mind. Once I know what you are looking for in a puppy, I can give you information on which puppy might suit your needs. As a breeder, I spend a lot of time with the puppies, getting to know their personality. Individual puppies will react differently from one day to the next; testing is a valuable tool. Puppy testing helps me choose the best individual puppy for the right family.

  • Do You Have Kids?
  • Are You an Active Person?
  • Are You Looking for a Calmer Puppy?
  • Are You Looking for a Male or Female?
  • Are You Looking for the Dominant Puppy?

I grade each puppy when they get closer to 7–8 weeks. I match them up according to temperament and several other factors. I would not place a nervous puppy with a family with children. If I have a nervous puppy, I will place that puppy in the right home. It’s all about making sure the puppy is happy, and the family is happy.

Keep this in mind; Families will come to me saying, “I want a quiet puppy, not hyper.” All families raise their puppies differently. A puppy can leave my home quite, and often there can be a difference between how a puppy is raised and how they turn out. Over the years of breeding, I have had families come over, spending two to three hours undecided on a puppy as they are overwhelmed.

The family is now just making a decision on how cute she or he is. When the puppies are born, I watch each one closely from the very beginning to see how they interact with each other and new situations. At 6 weeks of age, we pick puppies. This ensures that everyone gets the “PICK OF THE LITTER” because the puppy is picked that best matches your wants and needs! It is a joint effort between you and us.

Why do We do This?
Unfortunately, some of our buyers live too far away to come to visit the puppies in person. Some people can only come once. So choosing their puppy would be based solely on the puppy’s looks or “who ran to me first.” That is not the right way to choose a puppy. Looks are important, but only half the package, and what you may see on one visit may not be a good representative of that puppy regularly. The whole package must be considered when picking the right puppy. That is why we want to help you pick the best puppy... for you and for your puppy!!! Be patient and put your trust in the breeder’s hands.

Frequently Asked Questions & Information

You’ve done all your homework, and now you can’t wait to bring home your puppy. But before you pick him up, you’ll need to prepare your house and yard. You are welcome to bring a towel or blanket with you to rub over the mother or littermates. The scent of the towel will help your puppy’s first night.

That will be the first question I will ask you. Please remember to make your vet appointment within the first 48 hours after you bring home your new puppy. Your first visit to the veterinarian should be fun and informative. The veterinarian should examine your new puppy from nose to tail. She may check your pet for infectious diseases and parasite infestations and give your pet his first vaccination shot if he hasn’t already. Your veterinarian will also go over your puppy’s next set of vaccinations schedule. Please remember to bring in your puppy’s stool sample to the veterinarian.

If this is the puppy’s first trip in a car, the strange sights, sounds, and smells can be frightening. Take some time to let your new puppy get his bearings before you head home. Cover your lap and upholstery with a towel or sheet. Even after you’ve taken every precaution, puppies can get carsick, so be prepared. Keep the car ride quiet and relaxed. Puppies can be a jumble of contradictions. They can be frighteningly fearless, but they go through fear stages. The first eight weeks spent with their moms and littermates are invaluable because the puppies learn submission from their mothers and play skills from their littermates. They must learn about separation and be able to cope with it before they leave their pack. So you might have been straining to bring your puppy home sooner. You’ll be glad she stayed with mom and siblings long enough to learn something about bite inhibition; puppy teeth are really sharp!

Take up any food or water after six or seven o’clock to make sure your puppy is running on empty when it’s time to sleep. Otherwise, you’ll be going to the bathroom all night, or worse, your puppy will be eliminated from the house. Shortly before you go to bed, spend some time playing with your puppy. You want him to be tired enough to sleep soundly. Don’t let him nap within an hour or two of bedtime, or your puppy will be ready to play when you’re ready to sleep. Just before bed, take your puppy outside to his soiling area and wait for him to go; when he does, praise him and bring him back inside.

If possible, you should let your puppy sleep in your bedroom to reduce the chances of whining or crying at night. Also, constant contact throughout the night will help your puppy adjust to you and establish you as the pack leader. One note of caution: Don’t let the puppy sleep in the bed with you. He’ll eventually expect to be allowed in the bed, and it can lead to numerous behavioral problems as your puppy grows.

Puppies go home between 8 -9 weeks. Puppy’s necks are very small, so look for a little collar at first. I would not buy anything expensive as they grow very fast.

I get this question all the time; puppies only get their first vaccination shots at 7 weeks. I do not allow anyone to come over until the day you come to pick up your puppy. I will set a schedule for when you will come over between 8–9 weeks to take your puppy home.

If you are asking me this question, you have not read on my website, go back and read about choosing a puppy. Not all families get to choose their puppies; I sometimes place the puppies where I think the puppy will be the best fit for that family. Please keep in mind, everyone wants to pick their puppy; I do my best.

Understand Your Puppy Better

Cradle Testing

Picking up the puppy by cradling him in your arms. Does he struggle? Does he try to mouth or bite? Does he lick my face? Is he calm?

Sound Sensitivity Test

Dropping a key ring on the floor where the puppy is nearby. Does he ignore it? Does he get startled by it? A good response for a puppy is will he go investigate the key ring.

Touch Sensitivity Test

Holding the puppy, wiggle his toes and squeeze gently on his paws. Touching the pup’s ears and face. Pups that yelp at the slightest pressure or bite my hands are not good for families with kids. A good response is a pup that shows no response, a puppy that does not mind being touched.


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